To view
the Executive Summary Table of Contents as well as the complete
Table of Contents click
The Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS)
is organized as follows.
- Section 1 discusses how SEQRA applies
to this project.
- Section 2 is the Description of the
Action, including essential background information such
as the current program and factors that constrained the
action (i.e., matters of law, West Nile virus plans, and
the kinds of mosquitoes found in Suffolk County).
- Sections 3 through 5 describe the Environmental
Setting (generally in Section 3 and relating to specifics
for the Risk Assessment in Section 4 and Wetlands in Section
5) and provide important background information.
- Section 3 Part 1
- Section 3 Part 2
- Section 3 Part 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
- Section 6 contains experiments and field
work conducted specifically for the Long –Term Plan.
- Section 6 Part 1
- Section 6 Part 2
- Section 7 discusses the impacts of the
Long-Term Plan.
- Section 7 Part 1
- Section 7 Part 2
- Section 7 Part 3
- Sections 8 and 9 discuss impacts associated
with alternatives to the Long-Term Plan.
- Section 8
- Section 9
- Sections 10, 11, and 12 discuss the
minor impact topics (Social and Economic issues, Energy,
and Solid Waste, respectively).
- Section 10
- Section 11
- Section 12
- Section 13 summarizes the impact assessment.
- Section 14 presents mitigations of any
identified potential significant impacts associated with
the Long-Term Plan.
- Section 15 discusses Cumulative Impacts.
- Section 16 discusses Unavoidable Adverse
- Section 17 discusses Irretrievable Commitments
of Resources.
- Section 18 is a guide to some key issues
raised in Scoping.